A large outbreak of COVID-19 at the Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness Center has made the facility a subject of international attention, with news coverage by organizations like CBS, NBC, and the Daily Mail, along with headlines on sites like The Drudge Report.
Brighton Rehab continues to obscure details of the outbreak from both the public and family members of those residing within the facility, bringing even greater controversy upon the nursing home.
But long before a novel coronavirus became a global pandemic, Brighton Rehab had already been a subject of contention in the county.
It hosted a big-money fundraiser for Governor Tom Wolf. It gave contracts to the children of the county treasurer as she unilaterally withdrew funds for it from county accounts. It hired the county’s solicitor to work simultaneously as its own attorney. It was the topic of a state police investigation before the county district attorney “fired them” from the case. It was the subject of litigation brought by county commissioners who then abandoned the lawsuit before a single motion had been put before a judge.
BeaverCountian.com published well over 100 articles about the facility, its New York owners, and a tumultuous 2013 corporate acquisition of what was once the publicly-owned Friendship Ridge nursing home.
For historical context, here is just some of that coverage.
Controversies With Solicitor Joe Askar

– Commissioner Egley’s Complaint Against Former County Solicitor Askar Dismissed By Disciplinary Board
Controversies With Treasurer Connie Javens And Financial Admin Vince LaValle

– Treasurer Connie Javens Refused To Cooperate With Audit Into Friendship Ridge Sale
– Treasurer’s Daughter Lands Lucrative Friendship Ridge Contract
– New Friendship Ridge Owners Appealing Facility’s Property Tax Assessment
– Former Financial Administrator’s Email “Explains” $1.2 Million “Loan” To Friendship Ridge
Controversies With District Attorney David Lozier

– The Beaver Countian Obtains County Detective’s Notes From Investigation Into Treasurer Connie Javens
– County Resident Sends Investigators A 180-Page Dossier On Sale Of Friendship Ridge

Controversies With County Commissioners
– Big Questions After Large Bonuses Handed Out By County Commissioners
– Beaver County Commissioners Decide To File Lawsuit Over Payment For Friendship Ridge