Tag: Beaver County
WATCH: Beaver County Commissioners Work Session 4-17-2019
Public Works
- Reached a dollar amount for floats at the lift station, $2,000.00 total.
- Grass cutting will begin today in the parks.
Will A Reassessment Rebellion Be Repeated In Beaver County? Revisiting The 1982 Revolt
Beaver County’s last property reassessment in 1982 had all the ugly: angry mobs, a KKK Klansman, about 12,000 appeals and, ultimately, a veritable election...
WATCH: Beaver County Commissioners Work Session 4-10-2019
Department Head Report
Energy Assessment bid went out.
No other department head reports.
Solicitor Report
- 5 year contract for food at the jail not broken down...
Commissioner Dan Camp’s Testimony Before Congress Was Largely Plagiarized
Republican Commissioner Dan Camp testified before a Congressional Energy & Commerce subcommittee today as part of a panel discussion on the ways local governments...