Tag: Connie Javens
Complete Court Filings To Date In Treasurer Javens’ Defamation Case
For those interested in some light reading (heh) here are the complete court filings as of May 24th in the case of Connie Javens...
Attorney For Remaining Five Anonymous Commenters Targeted By Treasurer Javens Files Motion To Quash...
An attorney representing five of the six anonymous commenters being sued for defamation by elected Beaver County Treasurer Connie Javens and her adult daughter...
John Paul Invokes Journalist Shield Law In Court Filing To Protect Commenters’ Identities From...
This motion strikes at the essence of free speech – the ability to anonymously dissent and criticize our leaders. As George Washington stated, “If...
Meetings Between Sheriff Guy And Treasurer Javens Raising Eyebrows In The Courthouse
Republican Sheriff Tony Guy and Democratic Treasurer Connie Javens have been increasingly seen holding impromptu meetings together in and around the courthouse, and it's...
Commenter’s Attorney Files 1,000 Page Court Motion – Seeks $10,000 In Sanctions Against Treasurer...
A local attorney has filed a 1,000 page court motion on behalf of "John Q Taxpayer," a commenter on the Beaver Countian who is...
Treasurer Javens Told Commissioners They Are “Discriminating Against” Her
County officials tell me that Beaver County Treasurer Connie Javens took a trip to the Commissioners' Office this week to complain they were "discriminating...