Wednesday, March 12, 2025
37.7 F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
37.7 F

Tag: Tony Berosh

Martocci’s Campaign Took Cash From Disgraced Former County Solicitor / Sheriff David Confidant

Democratic district attorney candidate Frank Martocci's campaign has accepted a donation from disgraced former county solicitor and Sheriff George David confidant Myron Sainovich. According to...

Beaver County Officer Shot In Harmony Township

A Harmony Township Officer is home recovering after being released from Allegheny General Hospital where he was transported after being shot in the early...

Judge Issues Permanent Injunction Prohibiting McKee From Practicing Law Without A License

An out-of-county judge has issued a permanent injunction barring a Beaver County man from ever again practicing law without a license. Mercer County Senior Judge...

MUD FLIES! Sheriff David – Supporting Tony Guy – Confronts Wayne Kress At...

Beaver County Sheriff George David and Ambridge Police Chief James Mann confronted Democratic sheriff candidate Wayne Kress at a luncheon held today by the...

Oops! Treasurer Connie Javens Accidentally Wiretaps Herself After Calling The Beaver Countian

Beaver County Treasurer Connie Javens called the Beaver Countian yesterday and failed to properly hang up her phone after reaching this publication's voicemail box. Democrat...

McKee Says He Won’t Stop Practicing Law Without A License – Tells Judge He’ll...

A New Brighton man who has been practicing law without a license said he will ignore any order from a judge attempting to prevent...