Tag: Sandie Egley
Photos: Candidates Continue Final Push Before Tuesday’s Big Primary Election
Candidates continued their final push today before Tuesday's all-important primary elections. The polls are open from 7:00am until 8:00pm on Tuesday, May 19th....
A Look At County Candidates’ Campaign Finance Reports Ahead Of The Primary Election
Candidates for County offices have filed their latest round of campaign finance reports. These reports cover contributions and expenses made between January 1st...
Note: The Use Of Beaver Countian Photographs In Political Attack Ads Was Unauthorized
The Beaver Countian has been made aware that a series of political mailers critical of incumbent Republican Commissioner Dennis Nichols, and supportive of Republican...
Camp And Egley Join Forces To Take On Nichols At Republican Town Hall –...
Republican Commissioner Dennis Nichols managed to hold his own at Wednesday night's Republican Town Hall as challengers Dan Camp and Sandie Egley, who recently...
Republican Candidates To Hold Town Hall Meeting
The Republican Committee of Beaver County will be hosting a Town Hall on Wednesday for candidates appearing on the ballot in the Republican Primary.
Photo: A Republican In The Courthouse
A campaign card for Sandie Egley, Republican candidate for Beaver County Commissioner, sits on a clerk's desk in the Prothonotary's Office of the courthouse.