Wednesday, March 12, 2025
58.2 F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
58.2 F

Tag: Gerald Benyo

In-Depth: Unanswered Questions Continue To Plague District Attorney & Public Defender Offices

It has been 160 days since the Beaver Countian ran a series of investigative reports that rocked the courthouse with the explosive allegations of...
Republican District Attorney Candidate David Lozier maintains his composure after speaking with a difficult poll worker in New Sewickley who was supporting Commissioner Dennis Nichols. Lozier beat attorney Gerald Benyo to win the Republican nomination / photo by John Paul

Photos: Random Sights From Yesterday’s Primary Election

Here are some random sights from yesterday's primary elections as seen by the Beaver Countian while covering the polls. See Also: Photos: Candidates Start...

Judge Declares Mistrial In Case Against Woman Who Accused ADA Martocci And Others Of...

The Beaver Countian was in the courtroom today as a Common Pleas Judge declared a mistrial in the controversial case against a woman accused...
Republican District Attorney Candidate Gerald Benyo (left) and Republican Recorder of Deeds Candidate Tim Sempf entered the Nationality Days Hot Dog Eating Contest. They were cheered on by Republican Candidate for Prothonotary Pam Flara and Republican Commissioner Candidate Sandie Egley. Benyo came in second place having eaten 8 hotdogs in 5 minutes, just 1 behind the winner. / photo by John Paul

Photos: Candidates Continue Final Push Before Tuesday’s Big Primary Election

Candidates continued their final push today before Tuesday's all-important primary elections. The polls are open from 7:00am until 8:00pm on Tuesday, May 19th....

A Look At County Candidates’ Campaign Finance Reports Ahead Of The Primary Election

Candidates for County offices have filed their latest round of campaign finance reports. These reports cover contributions and expenses made between January 1st...

Benyo Highlights Experience – Lozier Stresses Integrity – During Republican Town Hall Meeting

The two Republican candidates for Beaver County District Attorney addressed a crowd of over 70 people during last night's town hall event at CCBC....