Tuesday, July 2, 2024
56.9 F
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
56.9 F

Doh! County President Judge Plays Nepotism Hot Potato

Beaver County’s judiciary is continuing to pay the price for seemingly poor decision making by its president judge. Now something of a game of nepotism hot potato has taken place, and county officials are crossing their fingers it helps to prevent additional litigation.

As BeaverCountian.com previously reported, president judge Richard Mancini fired his secretary back in 2017 and then hired Antionette Lombardo, his son’s girlfriend, for the role. The couple split before marriage, and now Mancini’s son is suing his secretary over a house that Mancini claims to have sold to the pair for a very special “low gift price.”

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John Paul
John Paul
John Paul is an award-winning investigative journalist and founder of BeaverCountian.com. He's been profiled by Vanity Fair magazine and featured in thousands of news articles, tv shows, and books. An avid adventurer, JP has traveled to all 50 states in his journey to explore our country and its people.

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