Editor’s Note: The following is a press statement by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection about its completion of work to remove hazardous materials from the former “Pool Doctor” site in Rochester. It is being published in full as submitted to BeaverCountain.com by the DEP.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced the conclusion of its prompt interim response under the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) for the Pool Doctor-Beaver Alkali Products Site in Rochester, Beaver County. The site is now clear of hazardous chemicals that had been improperly stored and disposed within and outside buildings on the site. Final restoration of the site—which consisted of final grading, construction of a drainage swale, seeding, and mulching—has been completed.
“Unexpected emergencies like this one, involving potentially deadly chemicals, shows the need for secure funding for the HSCA program,” said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.
On July 1, 2019, DEP initiated the prompt interim response under HSCA to remove and properly dispose of the chemicals at the site to mitigate the threat to human health, safety, and the environment.